
Monday, 4 July 2011

Optimizing Your Computer Will Ensure It Runs Fast

There are tools that Microsoft provides that you should use weekly in order to optimize the performance of your computer. Why wait until your system is experiencing real issues with slowness when you can prevent it from starting.

Begin by using the Disk Cleanup utility to delete temporary files and other unnecessary files from your computers hard drive. These files build up over time and will never go away unless you remove them. You will find the Disk Cleanup utility in the System Tools area of your system. It is an easy process to run that will automatically find all items that may be safely removed.

After cleaning up your computers hard drive you want to reorganize all the data and programs on it to optimize it as well. It is recommended that you run the Disk Defragmenter program weekly as well as when you install or uninstall programs or add or delete any large files. Programs and files become fragmented over time making it harder for the processor of the computer to piece them back together to open and write to. When your data and files are organized your system will run faster. You will also find this utility in the System Tools area of your system.

As it is recommended that you run these programs weekly you can set a schedule for them to run automatically. This will take all of the work off you and keep your system at optimal performance. Be sure that the time you select is both convenient for you and when your system will be on.

Tags:  Speed Up My PC Improve Computer Speed, Download PC Software, PC System Optimizer , speed up computer      

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